Sunday 22 July 2012

Quirks and gender

Although I fly the same basic model of plane each time, there are a few different actual planes I fly. I’m coming to realize that each plane has its own little quirks. Planes are usually referred to by the last 3 letters of their call sign. JPM has no front pockets so I don’t have anywhere to store my sunglass case and the clipboard. SAR likes to come nose up very quickly after takeoff.  Another one ( I forget which) has a heading indicator which needs resetting every 5 minutes.

I’d always assumed in my head that the various planes I fly were male (dunno why, maybe because all men assume that planes, trains and automobiles are female). But after my first circuit lesson where I found myself screaming “GET UP YOU BITCH!” at JPM when the end of runway 24 was coming at me a bit too quickly for my liking.  It would seem that this is not the case.

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